business address

A dedicated business address can enhance your company’s image and provide a physical address for receiving mail while maintaining your privacy.

$99/per month

Getting a Business Address

Getting a business address where your clients and customers can find you is a first, important step for many businesses. However, these days the nature of work is changing. Many entrepreneurs and businesspeople work digitally, virtually, and from many locations.

If you only work online, you may wonder if you really need a physical address for your business at all. If you don’t run a store or have physical premises, it can feel tempting to skip this important step in your business’s journey.

But, there are plenty of occasions when you need a physical business, even if most of your work is in an online space. If you aren’t sure where to go next in your search for answers on getting your business set up with a reliable dedicated address—or if you need one—then this article explains everything you need to know, what to do, and how IncReg will help you.

Why do I need a separate address for my home-based business?


If you work from home, you can choose to have your home address as your business address if you want. However, many small business people prefer to keep their business and their home addresses separate because of privacy concerns and to reduce junk mail.

Why you’ll eventually want to get a physical business address


If you have a physical storefront, you already have a dedicated business address, and you’ll want to promote it as much as you can.

The same goes if you must have a place to meet clients. In the early stages, you can manage meetings in coffee shops, but as your business becomes more successful, you’ll want somewhere quiet for important client meetings.

Building trust and authenticity with a business address


Imagine you are about to buy an expensive, high-ticket item like the vacation of a lifetime, or a state-of-the-art 3D printer. You’ve searched online and found two businesses offering exactly what you want for the same price.

Your finger is hovering over the ‘Buy’ button, but then, you look a little closer and you see one of the businesses lists a physical address in a city you’ve heard of, and the other just has PO Box. Probably, you’ll feel more reassured by the business which has the physical address and that’s the one you’ll buy from. If the second business doesn’t have an address at all, only a contact form, you’ll feel even less confident in your purchase.

No matter how far we move to the online world for our business activities, our customers and clients see a business with a physical location as more successful, credible, and trustworthy than one without.

For many business owners, this level of increased trust and credibility is enough to persuade them to get a fixed, physical business address.

When you must have a physical address for your business


Are you in charge of a Limited Liability Company or corporation? If the answer is yes, then you’ll need a physical address to file your articles of incorporation with the state. Furthermore, that address must be in the state where you filed, and you’ll need to update the state records if you change location.

Virtual address service


A perfect solution for many small businesses and international entrepreneurs is a virtual address. This gives you all the benefits of a physical address with all the flexibility and administrative support of a virtual online space.

Pros of getting a physical address

With a virtual address, you get:

  • The trust, credibility, and authenticity of a fixed location to give to clients and customers
  • Easy setup in the state where you file for your business formation
  • Virtual administration and online support that gives you full access to your mail and other correspondence

Get your business address set up with IncReg


IncReg handles all your business address needs. Our team of experts empowers your business with fast and affordable access to all forms of business address setup.

  • Physical business address setup: Physical business address services with a dedicated, physical business address to build trust and reassurance. We’re here to help.
  • Registered agent services: When you need a registered agent for your business, we’ll help you establish one or act as your registered agent, giving you peace of mind and solid reliability.

Contact our experts to find out about fast and efficient business address setup services that help your business grow.